Read: Chronic Entrepreneur Tips

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What do you need to know to be successful as a Chronic Entrepreneur? Here are our top tips for a thriving business and thriving you!
1. Only Work with People You Love: This might sound weird, but it's my top rule. There is always a beautiful customer, client or corporate partner on their way who you can have an amazing relationship with. The trick is having the right pathway, communication and process for them to find and work with you

2. Everything is figureoutable-outable: The key skill for an entrepreneur is being able to figure out 'how' to do something. Never believe the part that says you can't have what you want.

3. Don’t go for the hustle, go for the ease: Always look for the most easeful way, most easeful system. For example, I use Kajabi all in one business platform - it runs my website, email, podcast, programs, payments.

4. Have and Honour your own Boundaries: The greatest tyrant you face in your business will be you! Know your capacity, and manage your time and commitments accordingly. I have a very flexible business - it is built around the optimal ways for me to work, when, how and with whom. It’s also built to work across timezones without me burning out:)

5. Prioritize Inner Work:  Have great processes for meeting, accepting and alchemising your fears and doubts instead of burying them or becoming paralysed by them. Without daily inner work, I would not have the business I do nor have been able to create the freedom I have.

6.  Trust Your Intuition: Learn how to listen and then ACT on your inner guidance. A critical part of this is using discernment to know what is true guidance and what is just the noise of a busy mind.

7. Value Fit Over Short-term Cash:  You don’t have to prove your worth to anyone. Trust yours and your client’s authentic truth - only then will you know if it’s a fit to proceed.

8. Take Accountability: You don’t need to know everything to start and you don’t need to do anything perfectly. You do need to be accountable to yourself for your business. If you get stuck hiding under the covers - see point 9.

9. Invest in Business Mentorship: Get the support of a great business mentor - look for someone who has demonstrated success, and who will expand your thinking and possibilities. You also want someone who you love, and trust - and will work with you to adapt around chronic illness.

10. Create your own safe environment: Understand what soothes your nervous system and makes it easy for you to work - whether it's your business strategy, personal support or your workspace. When you have the right conditions, it will be much easier and rewarding to take risks.

I work with a lot of chronic entrepreneurs privately, so if you want support to expand your horizons, book a confidential call with me: