The Ultimate Professional Development Program for Managing Career and Chronic Illness

Speak to Michelle about Elation
Chronic Illness Support Queen of the Underworld
Chronic Illness Support Queen of the Underworld


The Ultimate Professional Development Program for career and chronic illness.



Our first Group Masterclass: begins August 13, 2024!


What if you could feel empowered in your career while living with chronic illness?





What if you could feel empowered in your career while living with chronic illness?





Book Your Free Consultation Call with Michelle Now


Feeling like you have to 'perform wellness' and push through just to keep your seat at the table

Over 75% of women living with chronic illness are working, and let's be honest many are struggling. 

That's because this is an extremely delicate and sophisticated terrain. Despite all the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion policies - chronic illness just isn't on the radar. This is why it feels like you need the skills of ninja to negotiate any sustainable support and still keep the doors open to career advancement. All the while,  trying to work out what is sustainable, or negotiating working part-time or most tricky, returning to work after an extended break. 






What if you could reclaim your confidence and take empowered, practical steps into your career of choice.


No longer pushing through and performing wellness.

Feeling emotionally grounded, confidently capable
and proud of yourself.

Never having to choose between your body's needs and your career aspirations. 

Experiencing fantastic professional boundaries that enable you to thrive.

Regaining your emotional confidence so you can apply, interview and restart your career.

Building authentic, professional relationships.

Having real impact in your work, and doing it in ways that align with your body.

Stepping into your deepest, Authentic Leadership.

Fully trusting yourself and your own intuitive guidance.


Can you believe this is  possible for you?

Because it is....


The Elation Experience 

Together we realign your confidence
and your career path.

The Elation

Together we realign your confidence and your career path.

Over the course of 3 months we will journey through a powerful + practical process that empowers you to truly shine in your career.

The Program

Three months of the Elation Program, Masterclasses, Career Coaching and Community.  


ELATION DIGITAL LIBRARY + EXCLUSIVE MEMBERSHIP ACCESS WITH 15+ TRAINING VIDEOS.  Over 15 videos of powerful content, journal prompts and practical resources to create sustainable change in your daily work life.

PREMIUM COACHING, TRAINING + 12 MASTERCLASSES. You get to experience regular Live, Interactive Group Masterclasses with Q & A, Coaching & Conversations on ALL empowering things Career and Chronic Illness with Michelle! Plus, you will have unlimited access to the whole program for an additional 12 months as an Alumni.

∞ PRACTICAL TOOLS WITH TRANSFORMATIONAL RESULTS. Six Modules of beautiful resources including workbooks and practical strategies to fully reclaim your career path.

∞ CAREER MENTORING 1:1 STRATEGY SESSIONS. You receive 2 x Private Mentoring Sessions with Michelle where we establish what's important to you now, map out a career pathway and how to get there.

∞ ELATION PRIVATE GROUP + CAREER SUPPORT. A Beautiful, Engaged, Community of women navigating their careers and at a similar place in their desire to have a deeply positive relationship with themselves, and thrive.


We begin August 13, 2024!



The Modules

The Modules


The Story of Work

Here you understand that how you have previously done work, is often how you have attempted to do illness. And why both need to transform for you to make authentic powerful choices for your life right now.

In this module we look at your Story of Work and how it has shaped your thinking, perception and beliefs about yourself. You'll learn how to to move on from all the patterns of over-working, performing wellness and consciously release what no longer serves you. 

You lay the foundations for new possibilities and for long and lasting change in your career.


Your Daily Toolkit 

Here you dive deep into your daily practical tools to manage your wellbeing, working arrangements and what's on your plate. 

We get very strategic about where you put your energy. You learn how to manage your emotional, mental and physical capacities at work. 

You embrace your natural talents, gifts and resources and discover how these can be reshaped in your life. 


Your New World of Work

Here you understand how to create a confident, new world of work for yourself. You learn how to navigate the Career and Chronic Illness Map in an empowered way.

You understand why things can feel overwhelming, how to break them down into easy, simple strategic steps. And navigate each new situation with integrity and empowerment.

You start to craft a world of work that works for you, your aspirations and all your body.


Your Empowered Conversations

Here you trust yourself to develop authentic, professional relationships. Now you know which conversations to have, with whom, what to say and when.  

You reset your relationships at work and no longer take on 'emotional labour' that is not yours to carry.

You'll learn how to centre yourself in the face of agitation, pressure and difficult power dynamics. You'll feel grounded in your emotional maturity even when things feel uncertain. Especially at those times.



Your Career of Choice

Now we get strategic. Here you trust your hopes and longings again and use them as a compass for the next right steps.

You have all the practical tools you need to take real action in your life right now. 

You now have a clear pathway for your career, while also ensuring your own wellbeing living with chronic illness.



Your Authentic Leadership

Authentic Leadership is what becomes embodied throughout this entire journey. Now you embody your authentic power, gifts and your total capacity to trust yourself. 

You are very skilled at using your discernment, confident conversations and flourishing in your career. We integrate the whole 3 month journey.


I know every woman living with chronic illness...

is on the path to Authentic Leadership.

Managing your career takes a lot of energy at the best of times. And when you live with chronic illness, you need to spend your mental, emotional and physical energy much more wisely.

I get it because not only have I lived it, I've also been bed bound twice in the last decade and both times made the full transition back to fully integrate into my career again. I worked out exactly how to reestablish my advancement with excellent professional boundaries and reclaim my confidence. 

I can guide you in the nitty gritty - how to have the difficult conversations, what to say, when and to whom. Plus at the strategy level, mentoring you into the perfect plan where you thrive in the career of your choice in ways that work for you and your body.

Elation is designed to give you all the tools, resources and skills you need to do exactly the same thing for yourself.




A Whole New World of Career Confidence.




Elation Digital Library 

+ Exclusive Access

You will access the an amazing custom online portal that is home to our programs and community. Our progressive support material, workbooks, videos and resources live here. Everything is designed for women with chronic illness and delivered in the optimum, accessible platform as we know that you’ll want to refer back to your most favourite training, time and time again.

Premium Coaching,

Training + Masterclasses

You get to experience regular Live, Interactive Group Masterclasses with Q & A, Coaching & Conversations on ALL empowering things Career and Chronic Illness with Michelle! Elation will bring you into deep alignment with your career choices and genuine possibilities into focus. Plus you will have unlimited access to the whole program for an additional 12 months as an Alumni.

Expert Mentoring

+ Practical Guidance 

Michelle Irving has an extensive background in Executive Coaching, Embodiment Therapy, over 10,000+ hours of chronic illness mentoring and over 15 years experience in coaching and human behavior. Michelle brings her practical wisdom, intuitive guidance and empowering perspective to every single interaction for your ultimate career expansion. You will be able to look back on your desired goals and journey, experiencing just how this inner work leads to tangible, sustainable results.


Elation Community

+ Career Support

You'll experience ongoing career guidance and empowerment strategy within this group. Our private online community is an active 24/7 support network. Best known for being a community of Magnificent women filled with integrity, heart and immense talent. This is a safe, sacred and beautifully intimate community of women who get it and are ready to shine authentically. We encourage you to speak your truth, be seen and share what you really  want and need. 


+ Career Support

You'll experience ongoing career guidance and empowerment strategy within this group. Our private online community is an active 24/7 support network. Best known for being a community of Magnificent women filled with integrity, heart and immense talent. This is a safe, sacred and beautifully intimate community of women who get it and are ready to shine authentically. We encourage you to speak your truth, be seen and share what you really  want and need. 

Real women, Real results...

Real women, Real results...


 "This course was the first time I was able to get practical knowledge and skills to navigate career and chronic illness, by someone that not only understands it, but has done it before.

After years of facing disabling illness while starting my career in my 20’s, I found Michelle. I had always struggled to relate to others around me and find ways through what seemed like impossible challenges. After working with Michelle, I feel both supported and seen. I’ve felt empowered to make big career moves despite continued challenges with my health.

Michelle has a great way of reframing the way we see work and opening up possibilities by doing things in a different way. I would absolutely recommend this course to anyone who has struggled with chronic illness and wants to connect with likeminded women and make positive steps in their career without sacrificing their health and wellbeing.

 ~ Kate, Australia.


 "This course was the first time I was able to get practical knowledge and skills to navigate career and chronic illness, by someone that not only understands it, but has done it before.

After years of facing disabling illness while starting my career in my 20’s, I found Michelle. I had always struggled to relate to others around me and find ways through what seemed like impossible challenges. After working with Michelle, I feel both supported and seen. I’ve felt empowered to make big career moves despite continued challenges with my health.

Michelle has a great way of reframing the way we see work and opening up possibilities by doing things in a different way. I would absolutely recommend this course to anyone who has struggled with chronic illness and wants to connect with likeminded women and make positive steps in their career without sacrificing their health and wellbeing.

 ~ Kate, Australia.



"I now have a sense of my real capacity and feel empowered to communicate it to others.

Michelle Irving is one of a kind. I came to her indecisive, focused on my failures, and scared of taking the next steps in my career.

Michelle showed me how the skills I have learned because of my illness experience can be applied in the workplace.

I no longer feel I have to hide and pretend to be a "typical" healthy worker. I now see chronic illness, despite all its difficulty, as an asset. 

Michelle was well worth the investment. Through gentle teaching and discussion, she gave me the tools to build my confidence, take the next steps, and negotiate double my freelance rate.

Michelle is doing groundbreaking work in an emerging field. She is authentic, loving, and effective."

~ Sarah, Washington D.C. USA.


 "I no longer feel as if I’m living in uncharted territory.

Before working with Michelle I felt ready to take on more but I routinely overestimated my capacity. Try as I might, my post pandemic long covid body would not fit back into my pre pandemic life and I was at a loss for words to describe my reality to the people around me.

Having worked with Michelle I no longer feel as if I’m living in uncharted territory. Her maps of chronic illness and work offer generous counter narratives, and knowing where I am has allowed me to make decisions grounded in my body rather than the flights of fancy that were leading me into deep water.

Learning to trust myself and communicate my decisions to those around me is a work in progress but I'm thankful for the opportunity to learn from those who have walked this path before me.

 ~ Pippa, Sydney Australia



 "I no longer feel as if I’m living in uncharted territory.

Before working with Michelle I felt ready to take on more but I routinely overestimated my capacity. Try as I might, my post pandemic long covid body would not fit back into my pre pandemic life and I was at a loss for words to describe my reality to the people around me.

Having worked with Michelle I no longer feel as if I’m living in uncharted territory. Her maps of chronic illness and work offer generous counter narratives, and knowing where I am has allowed me to make decisions grounded in my body rather than the flights of fancy that were leading me into deep water.

Learning to trust myself and communicate my decisions to those around me is a work in progress but I'm thankful for the opportunity to learn from those who have walked this path before me.

 ~ Pippa, Sydney Australia




 "Working with Michelle has been life altering. I've discarded some self-limiting beliefs that prevented me from chasing career opportunities.

Negotiating work terms when you're unwell can be daunting, especially within work cultures that reward resilience and stamina. The isolation of enduring illness alone can sometimes lead us to internalise false narratives that we are unreliable and need to work twice as hard to prove we are well enough, or good enough, to deserve our jobs.

Michelle helps to not only uncover these false narratives, but also provides tools for setting healthier boundaries and expectations of ourselves and our work environment.

Michelle is a gentle, person-centred, and empowering mentor who has incredible insight into navigating the world of chronic illness. 

 ~ Marie, Australia.



Together we realign your confidence and your career path.



Together we realign your confidence and your career path.


Application & Investment



Our first Group Masterclass: begins August 13, 2024!


3 Month Program

Limited Places

USD $3,333

Payment Plans 
Financing Options Available

Talk to us about getting your place sponsored through your organisation.


Program Fees & Application



3 Month Program

Limited Places


Payment Plans
Financing Options Available

Talk to us about getting your place sponsored through your organisation.


I invite you to join me